Breaking Bad was a UI Problem

For the Message, a theory about the influence of Netflix on television scripts:

Nearly forty percent of American homes pay for access to a streaming video service like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. A theory: even excluding forays into original programming, their prevalence has now started to shape the material they present. As we’ve seen from a decade of arms races in SEO and social media, content evolves to jockey for position with its audience.

Simpsons reviews

Two short blurbs for The Verge as part of their attempt to crowdsource reviews of every episode of the Simpsons.

Twitter and Television

A few nights ago I stayed up late to start watching season 2 of House of Cards as soon as it premiered, and as you might expect, I freaked out when Frank Underwood immediately kills Zoe Barnes in the first episode, so I wrote an essay for Wired about the odd sensation of sharing a cultural experience like that via the internet despite the availability of video-on-demand services like Netflix.

Even in the middle of the night, I wasn’t alone. Both Netflix binges and traditional broadcast television are increasingly subject to an internet-based social halo surrounding fandom, and nobody wants to be the one who misses the party.


When That Sandwich Slides Out Of You In A Week, Look At It

Last night NBC aired the final episode of 30 Rock. The Awl and I would like to hit you with every spoiler in one efficient listicle.

Chasing Silver Again Because Oops It Got Away

Chasing Silver Sunset 2

OLN still loves Chasing Silver and has scheduled more broadcasts in May and June.

  • Sunday 05/21, 12pm EST
  • Friday 05/26, 8:30am EST
  • Sunday 05/28, 12pm EST
  • Friday 06/02, 8:30am EST
  • Sunday 06/04, 12pm EST
  • Friday 06/09, 11:30pm EST
  • Sunday 06/11, 12pm EST
  • Friday 06/16, 8:30am EST

Finally Caught The Silver

Chasing Silver Hats

At long last, here’s the opening sequence from Chasing Silver.

Chasing More Silver

Chasing Silver Stormy

Chasing Silver got extremely high ratings when it was shown on the Outdoor Life Network in February. As a result, they are going to move it to primetime in March and have also signed on to show it through April and May. Here’s the new schedule:


  • Thursday 03/30, 10pm EST
  • Thursday 03/30, 10:30pm EST


  • Sunday 04/23, 12pm EST
  • Friday 04/28, 8:30am EST
  • Sunday 04/30, 12pm EST
  • Friday 05/12, 8:30am EST
  • Sunday 05/14, 12pm EST
  • Friday 05/19, 8:30am EST

Chasing Silver on OLN

Chasing Silver Sunset

Chasing Silver, a fishing documentary for which I wrote some music (specifically, the opening theme), will be shown on the Outdoor Life Network in February, split into four installments.

Where else but downtown?

I’m still working out the details of the video clips, but the latest in the slow trickle of uploads should help put you in the Christmas spirit — it’s a seasonal TV ad for the Downtown Business Association of Charlottesville.